Bomere Heath WI meets on the second Thursday of the month at the Village Hall, which enables its members the opportunity to meet up in person, try new activities, listen to interesting speakers and campaign on issues that matter to us.
Examples of recent talks * Intrigue of Diamonds, Adventures in Uganda, Egyptology, Origins of Street Names, Health and Well-being, Antiques, Walking the Camino de Santiago, a Year on St. Helena and Titterstone Clee.
Supported Campaigns *Plastic Soup (reducing the use of plastic), Plight of the Bees and Love Food, Hate Waste.
Activities *All Things Chocolate was a great success and we have tried Willow Weaving, Sewing Christmas Decorations and Painting Tiles.
Outings * We have enjoyed regular walks, Ceilidh dancing and Kurling evenings – in the Village Hall – no ice involved.
Regular items on our calendar * A Summer Outing in June, a Coffee Morning in August and our December Christmas Meal. * Shropshire WI has a competition marquee at Shrewsbury Flower Show * December we join other local WIs for a Group Carol Service. * There are AGMs at National Federation (NFWI) and Shropshire Federation level which we are able to attend. How to join The 2021 subscription is £44 which is split between NFWI £12.10, Shropshire Federation £10.30 and Bomere Heath WI £21.60. Our year runs from April to March and pro-rata rates are available. The WI is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK and has almost 200,000 members in approx. 6000 WIs.
More information is available on the WI and the WI has its own magazine WI Life. Entering your postcode on the WI website will give your nearest WI.
Committee members President Trixie Cooper Vice President Pat Hall Secretary Christian Dunn Treasurer Ann Davies Committee Julia Browne, Bette Davies, Pat Day
Bomere Heath WI is always delighted to welcome new members and visitors – Please contact Christian Dunn (Secretary) 01939 290533